Branding Review

Branding includes everything a company does to progressively cultivate preferred demand for the products signified by its brand / Brands at an optimum price. Effective branding is about ensuring absolute suitability; of the proposition, of conduct at all levels, of what and how the company talks to the consumer sets - in getting them to buy its products - decidedly.

Branding Review is a comprehensive proprietary audit procedure which considers and evaluates the elements of branding; in the products, in the policies, in the people, in the operations, in the promotions and in the communications that can etch an impression in the minds of its customers, customer prospects and other stakeholders.

Branding Review is an inquiry process essentially to figure out the deficiencies and inappropriateness in the brand’s; fundamentals, strategies, operation styles and communication modules which can negatively impact the brand’s desirability quotient and thus restrict revenues and profitability.


Branding Review assignment is initiated and progressed through structured consultative meetings with the CEO and CMO of the company.

The review process is conducted through elaborate questionnaires, multi-layered independent discussions with all the top management staff, all marketing and sales staff and a few other selected staff from across departments and levels. It is driven through proprietary research tools and extensive secondary research which is carried out in consultation with the department heads of the company.

Branding Review document and presentations explain the flaws and deficiencies in the company’s branding approach and efforts with substantiated logic duly tracking their impact in terms of revenues and profitability.

Brand Equity Articulation

Brand Equity Articulation is one of the primary and most essential tasks in effectively driving the revenues and profitability with the branding perspectives. Inept branding mainly happens owing to decisions and actions brought about without proper understanding of the realities of the brand as against the market dynamics.

Brand Equity Articulation developed as part of the Branding Review assignment mirrors the realistic character and capabilities of the brand. Brand Equity Articulation is a concise write-up which describes the brand's traits and relative potential as at the given time. It serves as a fundamental document for developing the next set of branding policies, strategies and programs.

Brand Basics

Broadly, basics of branding happen to be almost common to all kinds of brands. It is all about inculcating a certain quality, certain attitude and a certain style in conducting the business. But, in a complicated market, branding becomes highly complex and extremely challenging in evolving and infusing competitive values into the brand.